Tarot, Astrology, and Creativity Consultations
We are all gifted with the magic to re-imagine, re-story, and re-dream our journeys. Working with tarot, astrology, and the creative process, I offer supportive, confidential consultations that provide guidance, encourage self-knowledge, and open new pathways in our lives.
My relationship to the cards and the night skies draws upon my deep well of artistic, mythological, and magical studies. This knowledge helps me connect the wisdom of ancient symbols and narratives to your present moment. I believe there are no good or bad cards, there is love in every planet, and all the archetypes offer teachings—if we choose to receive them.
I approach tarot and astrology as vast collective artworks and as expressions of my studio practice. When we work with the cards and the cosmos, we are making art. Every spread or chart is a new narrative. Every consultation is a collaboration. Together, we’ll explore realms where the invisible becomes visible and you can source the power to co-create your stories with the stars.
Creativity Consultation 60 min | $180 Book
Our human imagination is a sacred and powerful tool. I teach techniques I use in my own artistic process to stimulate the flow of creativity. Through practices such as bibliomancy, automatic drawing, and imagination journeying, we’ll create a safe and supportive space to explore your inner worlds. This is especially helpful if you’re curious about your creative potential or are experiencing blocks in your creative energy. Each consultation includes an initial discovery call to illuminate your specific situation so we can tailor a custom session that will better support you.
Tarot Consultation 60 min | $120 Book
An organic session that unfolds uniquely to you and your questions.
The spread and cards will naturally evolve as we journey more deeply into your story.
Mini Tarot Consultation 30 min | $65 Book
A three card spread to bring clarity to a single theme or situation in your life.
Tarot Archetype Exploration 30 min | $65 Book
Is there a card that keeps showing up for you? Are you seeking clarity about an archetype that feels mysterious, alluring, or uncomfortable? We’ll journey into the card together to deepen your understanding of the wisdom it holds.
Astrological Consultation 60 min | $150 new clients; $125 returning clients Book
Your astrological chart is an ecosystem of stories, full of mystical creatures and ancient archetypes. We’ll explore how these tales manifest in your life and how you can consciously work with the energies and resources you always carry with you. This consultation includes your chart preparation.
Astrological Follow-up Consultation 30 min | $65 Book
Starry-eyed after our first cosmic journey? Ready to go down the astrological rabbithole? Follow-ups expand upon what we explored during our initial consultation or can offer a deeper look into a specific topic or planet.
Booking a Consultation
Please email me using the contact form linked here to schedule a consultation. All sessions meet on online so we can work together wherever you are in the physical world. You can sign up for my newsletter to be informed of in-person workshop opportunities. Please see my Terms & Conditions for my scheduling and cancellation policy.
In Gratitude
I am grateful to my many teachers, human and otherwise, who have helped me along my path. I am especially grateful to my mother, Margaret Smithers-Crump, who was my first guide to the imaginal realms and who taught me how to see images as worlds; to Yoav Ben-Dov for igniting my passion for tarot through the understanding that the cards are a collective artwork; and to my dear friend Erika Blumenfeld for her many star whisperings.